Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
The Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Heat Energy for Water Heating, Space Heating and Air Conditioning in the Domestic Sector
Almabrok, Almabrok Abdoalhade ; Dvorský, Emil (oponent) ; Santarius, Pavel (oponent) ; Toman, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The growing worldwide demand for less polluting forms of energy has led to renewed interest in the use of cogeneration technologies in the residential sector due to their potential for significantly reducing the quantities of pollutants emitted in supplying residential electricity and heating. Cogeneration systems in the residential sector have the ability to produce both useful thermal energy and electricity from a single source of fuel such as oil or natural gas. This thesis is focused on an analysis of the possibilities of using cogeneration and tri-generation for improving energy efficiency in countries where these systems are not commonly used. The first part of the thesis is oriented to the general definition of power engineering, the present energy balance in Libya from a consumption and production point of view. Chapter Five deals with the analysis of energy demand in Libya and forecast in future. The definition, development, benefits and characteristic, especially technical performance, of cogeneration and tri-generation systems are clarified in Chapters Eight and Nine. In chapter eleven the electrical consumption of typical family houses in three major cities in Libya were clarified. The last part of the thesis presents a sensitivity analysis that was focused on the calculation of the amount of energy required to cover necessities of typical house (heating, water heating and air conditioning) and the comparison between the usage of electrical energy and thermal energy to meet those requirements from technical and economic point of view. The results of the thesis will be used for creating supporting material for energy authorities in Libya.
Implementace kogeneracni jednotky do siti "Smart Heating and Cooling Networks"
Uhrík, Patrik ; Milčák, Pavel (oponent) ; Lisý, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo vytvoriť výpočtový model pre zaradenie kogeneračnej jednotky do chytrej tepelnej siete. Kvôli lepšiemu využitiu odpadného tepla z kogeneračnej jednotky v letnom období, bol k vybranej kogeneračnej jednotke MOTORGAS MGM250 nadimenzovaný absorpčný obeh a zhotovený výpočtový model trigenerácie. V teoretickej časti práce bola popísaná funkcia, prevádzka a vyvedenie tepelného výkonu kogeneračnej jednotky, ako aj vhodnosť spojenia kogeneračnej a absorpčnej jednotky v letnom období. V praktickej časti došlo k porovnaniu prevádzkových dát areálu Fakulty strojního inženýrství Vysokého učení technického v Brně a dát z vytvorených výpočtových modelov kogenerácie a trigenerácie. Na základe tohto porovnania boli vyvedené výsledky vhodnosti použitia oboch výpočtových modelov.
Implementace kogeneracni jednotky do siti "Smart Heating and Cooling Networks"
Uhrík, Patrik ; Milčák, Pavel (oponent) ; Lisý, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo vytvoriť výpočtový model pre zaradenie kogeneračnej jednotky do chytrej tepelnej siete. Kvôli lepšiemu využitiu odpadného tepla z kogeneračnej jednotky v letnom období, bol k vybranej kogeneračnej jednotke MOTORGAS MGM250 nadimenzovaný absorpčný obeh a zhotovený výpočtový model trigenerácie. V teoretickej časti práce bola popísaná funkcia, prevádzka a vyvedenie tepelného výkonu kogeneračnej jednotky, ako aj vhodnosť spojenia kogeneračnej a absorpčnej jednotky v letnom období. V praktickej časti došlo k porovnaniu prevádzkových dát areálu Fakulty strojního inženýrství Vysokého učení technického v Brně a dát z vytvorených výpočtových modelov kogenerácie a trigenerácie. Na základe tohto porovnania boli vyvedené výsledky vhodnosti použitia oboch výpočtových modelov.
The Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Heat Energy for Water Heating, Space Heating and Air Conditioning in the Domestic Sector
Almabrok, Almabrok Abdoalhade ; Dvorský, Emil (oponent) ; Santarius, Pavel (oponent) ; Toman, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The growing worldwide demand for less polluting forms of energy has led to renewed interest in the use of cogeneration technologies in the residential sector due to their potential for significantly reducing the quantities of pollutants emitted in supplying residential electricity and heating. Cogeneration systems in the residential sector have the ability to produce both useful thermal energy and electricity from a single source of fuel such as oil or natural gas. This thesis is focused on an analysis of the possibilities of using cogeneration and tri-generation for improving energy efficiency in countries where these systems are not commonly used. The first part of the thesis is oriented to the general definition of power engineering, the present energy balance in Libya from a consumption and production point of view. Chapter Five deals with the analysis of energy demand in Libya and forecast in future. The definition, development, benefits and characteristic, especially technical performance, of cogeneration and tri-generation systems are clarified in Chapters Eight and Nine. In chapter eleven the electrical consumption of typical family houses in three major cities in Libya were clarified. The last part of the thesis presents a sensitivity analysis that was focused on the calculation of the amount of energy required to cover necessities of typical house (heating, water heating and air conditioning) and the comparison between the usage of electrical energy and thermal energy to meet those requirements from technical and economic point of view. The results of the thesis will be used for creating supporting material for energy authorities in Libya.

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